Copyright Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral is more than just a beautiful old building. It is a place of worship, a place to meet, a sanctuary, a haven, a celebration, a place of joy and occasionally sadness, but most of all it is alive with the people who make the Cathedral what it is today.


Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury, in Kent, has been the seat of the spiritual head of the Church of England for nearly five centuries. St Martin’s Church, the ruins of St Augustine’s Abbey and Christ Church Cathedral together reflect milestones in the history of Christianity in Britain. They reflect in tangible form the reintroduction of Christianity to southern Britain by St Augustine, commencing at St Martin’s Church where Queen Bertha already worshipped, and leading to the conversion of King Ethelbert.

They also reflect the successive architectural responses to Canterbury’s developing role as focus of the Church in England – adaptation of Roman buildings, the development of Anglo-Saxon building in mortared brick and stone, and the flowering of Romanesque and Gothic styles in addition to the development under St Augustine and the monks from Rome, of early Benedictine monasticism, which spread from its cradle in Canterbury throughout Britain, had a profound impact on English society.

Official website

Did you know..?

Archbishop Alphege was captured by the Vikings and beaten to death with ox bones when he refused to be ransomed. –


Location: Canterbury, Kent

Country: United Kingdom

Year of Inscription: 1988

UNESCO Criteria: (i), (ii), (vi)

Contact information:

For more information about Canterbury Cathedral, visit the website or contact visitor information on 01227 762862

Copyright Canterbury Cathedral