World Heritage UK response to Culture White Paper

May 25, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

World Heritage UK response to Culture White Paper

Dear members and supporters

In response to the Culture White Paper published last month, World Heritage UK have put together a letter to Ed Vaizey MP, the Minister for Culture and the Digital Economy.  We are aware that there is no longer an official consultation period for this White Paper, but in the interests of being part of a listening government, we are hopeful that the Minster will take into account what we have written.

The letter, and our original submission to the process, can be found here. The essence is that whilst we feel that it is a positive move to put World Heritage in the Paper, and to aim to “set a global standard in the stewardship of World Heritage Sites“, there is a missed opportunity to provide some much needed support for the UK Sites to reach that high quality standard that the Paper aspires to, and further therefore be able to provide the expertise needed to support Sites overseas.

As such we have requested a discussion with the Minister about how some of the proposed Cultural Protection Fund can be used for this purpose.

We would welcome your comments, and if you feel the urge to write as individual Sites,  please feel free to quote from the letter.

With best wishes

Sam Rose, on behalf of World Heritage UK
Chair of Trustees