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World Heritage UK news update: newsletter, membership leaflet and hero-grammes!

April 28, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

Dear Members and Supporters of World Heritage UK

I am pleased to say that if you have not already seen it, the organisation’s first newsletter is now online, available to download here. Our thanks to Chris Mahon, our Development Director, for putting this together. We hope to make this quarterly and will be looking for World Heritage stories from you all to add to future editions.

I am also delighted that we have a Membership leaflet published, which is also available here. Remember, individual membership is only £25, so please do pass this form or link on to any others who you think might be interested in joining. Full membership details are available here.

A big hero-gramme to two volunteers who have helped us in recent times – Don Gobbett, who has been gathering information about WHS Steering Groups, and Coralie Acheson, who has become our Tweetmaster – if you don’t follow us we are @worldheritageuk – many thanks to you both.

Finally, I hope you all found the time to mark World Heritage day on April 18th – I know that there were activities happening at some Sites, and we hope it to grow to become nationwide next year.

More news of the conference to follow very soon… in the meantime, thanks for watching, and all the best.

Sam Rose

Chair of Trustees, World Heritage UK