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World Heritage UK 2016 Conference – last chance for tickets!

September 12, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

Dear World Heritage UK supporter (Welsh language version below)

Conference 2016 – secure your place here

Please find attached here the latest draft programme for this year’s UK national conference ‘Why World Heritage Matters‘ to be held on the 10th and 11th October at the Galeri, Caernarfon – adjacent to the ‘Castles and Town Walls of King Edward in Gwynedd‘ World Heritage Site.

Programme: As is often the case in the run up to conferences, the programme has changed a little, but it is evolving into an excellent all round event with international speakers, local speakers and some workshop sessions.  We are also fortunate to have speakers from the latest UK World Heritage Site to be inscribed, Gorham’s Cave Complex in Gibraltar.

Value for money: Please note that your registration fee also includes one of the tours and, subject to final confirmation, an evening reception at Penryhn Castle.

Networking: As ever, the event will also provide great opportunities to network, share good practice and catch up with the successes and challenges of managing our fabulous Sites from around the UK.  Booking is strong so you are advised to secure your place here

Accommodation: Also attached is a list of hotels near the conference venue, some offering discounts to conference delegates.

Pass it on: We are a very inclusive community so please do pass this on to any other people that you think might be interested.

Exhibition and sponsorship: Finally, any members are welcome to bring along exhibitions, but please contact Chris first (details below). Any commercial partners who wish to exhibit or help sponsor the event are also welcome, but again, please please contact Chris first.

Many thanks, and we look forward to seeing you in October.

Chris Mahon, Development Director, World Heritage UK, 01352 780774 / 07860 856952 [email protected]
Sam Rose, Chair of Trustees, World Heritage UK

Cynhadledd 2016 – sicrhau eich lle yma (here)

Gweler ynghlwm drwy glicio yma (here) raglen ddrafft ddiweddaraf ar gyfer ein cynhadledd genedlaethol ‘Pam fod Treftadaeth y Byd yn Cyfri’ Cynhelir y gynhadledd ar y 10fed a’r 11eg o Hydref yn y Galeri, Caernarfon – ger ‘Safle Treftadaeth y Byd Cestyll a Muriau Tref y Brenin Edward yng Ngwynedd’.

Rhaglen: Fel sy’n digwydd yn aml yn y cyfnod cyn cynadleddau, mae’r rhaglen wedi newid ychydig ac yn esblygu i fod yn ddigwyddiad arbennig gyda siaradwyr rhyngwladol alleol ynghyd âa gweithdai amrywiol. Rydym hefyd yn lwcus i gael siaradwyr o’n safle diweddaraf, ogof Gorham yn Gibraltar.

Gwerth am arian: Nodwch fod y ffi cofrestru yn cynnwys ymweliad safle ac yn amodol ar gadarnhad terfynol, derbyniad gyda’r nos yng Nghastell Penrhyn.

Rhwydweithio: Fel arfer, bydd y digwyddiad yn cynnig cyfleoedd gwych i rwydweithio, rhannu arfer da a dal i fyny â’r llwyddiannau a’r heriau o reoli Safleoedd anhygoel o bob rhan o’r DU. Cynghorir i chi archebu lle yma (here) cyn gynted a phosibl.

Llety: Mae’r atodiad yn cynnwys rhestr o westai (hotels) sy’n agos at leoliad y gynhadledd – mae rhai yn cynnig gostyngiadau.

Pasiwch ymlaen: Rydym yn gymuned gynhwysol, felly pasiwch yr wybodaeth yma ymlaen i unrhyw un fyddai â diddordeb.

Arddangosfeydd a nawdd: Mae croeso i unrhyw aelodau ddod ag arddangosfeydd gyda nhw – cysylltwch â Chris yn gyntaf (manylion isod). Mae croeso hefyd i unrhyw bartneriaid masnachol sy’n dymuno arddangos neu’n helpu noddi’r digwyddiad gysylltu â Chris i drafod ymhellach.
Diolch yn fawr, ac edrychwn ymlaen i’ch gweld ym mis Hydref