World Heritage Tourism: Unlocking the Potential. World Heritage UK’s inaugural conference October 14th and 15th, Saltaire
July 17, 2015
It gives me great pleasure to announce details of World Heritage UK’s inaugural conference taking place in Saltaire World Heritage Site on October 14th-15th 2015

This conference will be the first opportunity for many years for all parts of the World Heritage community to get together to explore a specific theme relevant to all of the UK’s existing and prospective WH Sites, that of World Heritage tourism.
The programme is currently being finalised, but at this stage, we are delighted to announce the following speakers:
Rt. Hon Tracey Crouch MP Minister for Sport, Tourism & Heritage (appearing by video only)
Peter Debrine, Programme Specialist: Sustainable Tourism UNESCO
James Berresford Chief Executive of Visit England
Prof. Mike Robinson Professor of Cultural Heritage Director, Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage
and a range of speakers from our own Sites, and from all four home nations. A full draft programme is available here: Saltaire Conference Draft Programme 18 Sep 2015
In addition to the speakers, there will be time for networking, displays, a reception from the Lord Mayor of Bradford, a choice of tours and of course, the conference dinner in one of Bradford’s finest curry houses.
The conference will be taking place within the Saltaire World Heritage Site near Bradford in Yorkshire, and will be from 9am on the 14th Oct to 3.15pm on the 15th October 2015.
To book, please go to where you will find all of the details.
Conference fees will vary depending on membership status, If you or your organisation is not yet a member of World Heritage UK and you would like to take advantage of the free ticket offer, please go to Join here for more information on how to sign up. Voting member organisations have one free place at this year’s event and discounted rates for additional attendees.
For any queries or further information about the event, please contact [email protected]
And finally, please could you forward this information to anyone who you think may be interested in this event. We need our World Heritage community to spread the word and really make this inaugural conference a success.
Many thanks and I look forward to seeing you there
Sam Rose
World Heritage UK Shadow Chair, on behalf of the board and the very hard-working conference committee