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World Heritage Fundraising Masterclass

December 6, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

World Heritage UK Workshop “An Introduction to Fundraising Targets and
World Heritage UK was pleased to support a Giving to Heritage workshop run in London
at the end of November. This was specifically targeted for World Heritage Site Co-
ordinators and provided an introductory insight to fundraising and support from the
private and philanthropic sectors, a new approach to many of us who are more used to
seeking funding from public sources such as Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) or EU
Giving to Heritage is a joint venture between The Heritage Alliance and the Institute of
Fundraising, made possible through a funding programme with HLF. This is a capacity
building programme designed to increase the fundraising capabilities of those working in
the heritage sector; training can be delivered through specifically targeted workshops
such as this, and through one-to-one consultancy sessions and webinars. The WHS
training workshop was attended by 14 delegates and was delivered by Valentine Morby
who has direct experience of working with WHSs through work he has done previously in
Bath and currently with the Jurassic Coast Trust.
particants learning from Trainer Valentine Morby photo:chrismahon
The session looked at what an organisation needs to have in place before approaching
and private sector donor – a strong vision, robust business plan and fundraising and
communications strategies. The importance of developing and maintaining long-term
relationships with donors was emphasised and to be clear about exactly what you wish
them to fund, and then build your case. This should be capable of being briefly
summarised through its features, advantages and benefits (the FAB approach) or
through the four pillars of vison (what you wish to do), enemy (what is stopping you), hero
(who can deliver) and recipient (who will benefit).
The clear message in approaching donors is to be clear, compelling, concise and
convincing – a message that everyone went away with!
Further information is available from:
Lesley Garlick
World Heritage UK Trustee