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World Heritage Education

May 3, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

World Heritage Education

This is a Call For Papers for contributions to a new, open access, postgraduate/ graduate journal called furnace that is edited by young scholars in the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage (IIICH) at the University of Birmingham. furnace hopes to be a facilitator for sparking debates and discussions surrounding the expanding and diversifying disciplinary field of cultural heritage.

Article 4 of the World Heritage Convention states that each State Party has ‘the duty of ensuring the identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of the cultural and natural heritage’ (UNESCO 1972); it is through Outreach and Education that this ‘transmission’ is undertaken.

 Article 27 enshrines the Educational duties of WHSs, as it states that ‘the States Parties to this Convention shall endeavour by all appropriate means, and in particular by educational and information programmes, to strengthen appreciation and respect by their peoples of the cultural and natural heritage’ (UNESCO 1972).

 It is important to remind WHSs and stakeholders, that Education and Outreach is a duty and obligation. This is a timely reminder as many World Heritage Sites are undergoing a period of change through restructuring and the rewriting of their Management Plans.

 World Heritage Education can occur through formal learning programmes at site level, nationally through state parties and globally. World Heritage Education however remains under researched. This is a symptom of heritage education in general which remains under researched in comparison to that of museum education.

 Therefore we are seeking submissions with a focus on either of the following research questions:

  • What is World Heritage Education?
  • How can the concept of Outstanding Universal Value be communicated to young audiences?
  • What is the relationship between heritage education, museum education and World Heritage Education?
  • How can educational visits to World Heritage Sites enhance learning?
  • How are World Heritage Sites learning resources for classroom based learning?
  • What are the challenges in World Heritage Sites developing learning programmes?

The theme of the 4th issue of the IIICH Postgraduate journal furnace is World Heritage Education.

 Full papers are required by Friday June 10th 2016. They should be sent to: [email protected] . Decisions will be made quickly by the editorial board. Those accepted will be reviewed and corrected for publication launch on Friday September 30th 2016.

See the webpage for further information on submissions.

 For further information or any questions, please contact us via the email above or tweet at @furnacejournal