Image coming soon

What did you think of the conference?

October 16, 2015 Published by Beth Thomas

Delegates for the 2015 World Heritage UK conference
Delegates for the 2015 World Heritage UK conference

Well, the van is unpacked and the trip north is over, as is the inaugural conference of World Heritage UK.  I thought it was great, and will post more next week about my reflections on it.  But more importantly we need to know what you thought, and if you were there, please could you complete our feedback questionnaire.

It is on survey monkey, should only take about 10 minutes max and your views are really important in helping us do an even better event next year.  Click here for the survey:

Please also feel free to comment on, or ‘like’ this or other blog postings – it will help us in getting better search ratings with Google.

Thanks, Sam Rose.

venue for the 2015 World Heritage UK conference
Adam Wilkinson from Edinburgh World Heritage

More photos from the conference will follow.

venue for the 2015 World Heritage UK conference
Salts Mil in Saltaire