The Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB) and Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) new heritage research award

June 10, 2024 Published by Alex McCoskrie

This joint SAHGB and IHBC award recognises and celebrates the quality of architectural-historical research produced by colleagues in heritage and conservation practice, as private consultants or on behalf of NGOs, public bodies or comparable clients.

Research undertaken for statements of significance, conservation management plans, listing, other forms of statutory protection, and to directly inform decision making in the planning and wider heritage sphere makes a significant, but all too often under-recognised contribution to the discipline and indeed to the quality of the historic environment. Moreover, methodological reflection on this work, and on heritage and preservation more widely, adds much to the practice of architectural history. This Heritage Research Award will provide an opportunity to understand better the diversity of this work, celebrate the very best of the research that goes into it, and make it better known to other professionals and the public.

The Award celebrates research and critical reflection. It excludes specifically consideration, assessment or endorsement of any plans, projects, sites, advocacy or arbitration etc. linked in any way to the research, or the success, merits, demerits or otherwise of resulting advice, decisions or interventions. This separation between research and conservation outcomes mirrors the separation that the IHBC recognises between the advice given by an IHBC member to a client or employer and the potential decisions and outcomes that ultimately may be associated with that advice.

Winning work will receive a medallion, to be presented at the SAHGB’s Annual Awards Ceremony. Winners will also be offered a free place at the corresponding IHBC Annual School. Additionally, SAHGB may contact winning researchers to request a feature for publishing on the Society’s website or members’ magazine.

Click here for more details on eligibility, categories, criteria and application process.

Submit your entry via the link above by Friday 30th August 2024.

The 2022 winner was the Simpson and Brown Heritage Consultancy Team for the Old Royal High School, Edinburgh.

Image: IHBC