Image coming soon

The conference is upon us!

October 12, 2015 Published by Beth Thomas

OK – speech written, shirts ironed, last minute panics over (I hope) and tomorrow I shall be packing some exhibition material into a van and heading up to the Saltaire World Heritage Site in the mighty city of Bradford.

The programme assembled promises to provide a fascinating mix of national and international perspectives, case studies, academic viewpoints and more. If you add on the Mayoral reception, curry night and tours, it has the makings of a great couple of days.

If you are coming, I look forward to seeing you there. If not, we will publish presentations and other reports from the event on this website, so please do watch this space.

In some respects, World Heritage UK starts in Saltaire on Wednesday morning, although some might say it started in 1986, and has just been waiting for the right time to start speak up about it; I hope that we can say after this week that the speaking up has started.  It only remains for me to thank the organising committee for getting us to the that start line, and for such a great team effort.


More details of the event can be found here