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Silk Road and Great Wall World Heritage to be major feature at #communicatingWH conference

August 31, 2017 Published by Beth Thomas


Delegates at the ‘Communicating World Heritage’ conference (7-10 October, Ironbridge) will be honoured by the presence of two expert speakers from China who will be giving presentations about two icons of World Heritage, the Silk Road and the Great Wall of China. This is a rare opportunity to hear speakers from this country on their specialist subjects and World Heritage UK has been working closely with the British Council to enable this special occasion to happen.

Mr Bo Jiang is the Vice President of ICOMOS China and works for the State Administration of Cultural Heritage. He is Director of the Institute of Underwater Archaeology and the National Centre of Underwater Cultural Heritage. He will be speaking about the Silk Road and Belt and its maritime component.

Mr Yimeng Zhang is the Great Wall Research Specialist and works on the Great Wall Protection Project at the China Academy of Cultural Heritage, also under the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

It is hoped that they will be joined by the Vice Principal of Shanghai University, Duan Yong, who is setting up a new cultural heritage academy at the university, with the Shanghai Municipal Government and the State Administration of Cultural Heritage.

The expert speakers will be presenting in the ‘Communicating with the wider world’ session on the 10th October but the Chinese delegation will be participating in the whole 4-day conference so there will be opportunities for delegates to speak with them throughout the event.

Today, 31st August, is the last day for early bird discount conference tickets after which the price will move to the standard rate. Book now to save at: