Photo credit Adrian Farmer

Realising the Potential of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the Derwent Valley to Advance the 2030 Agenda

November 30, 2023 Published by Alex McCoskrie

A dissertation written by Manfred Kyenkyehene Osei, University of Nottingham.

This research explores how local communities might play a critical part in securing the long-term future of World Heritage Sites in the Derwent Valley – where the Industrial Revolution has its roots.

Future predictions for climate change in the twenty-first century will have escalating growing impacts on heritage policies and conservation practices, mainly because of the discernible effects of changes that have already been witnessed. The heritage sector in the UK exhibits a lower level of concern about the impact of climate change on heritage sites which slows down efforts to effectively create longer-term mitigation, adaptation and management strategies that consider possible alterations to the factors and mechanisms of degradation at historic sites. This has created doubts on the capacities of  local and regional stakeholders to understand and act on the climate impacts on their outstanding universal value (OUV). And ultimately keep them engaged and informed about their preservation.

Click here to read and introduction to Manfred’s project and here to read the full dissertation.