May 9, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

The Institute of Fundraising has a programme called Giving to Heritage.  There is a course being run by them on Tuesday 21st Jun 2016 in Manchester that could interest many World Heritage related organisations.

They say:”Having even a few committed major donors onside can make a significant impact on your heritage organisation’s income, but finding the right ones, and bringing them on board, can be a daunting and nerve-wracking task. The workshop is intended to provide an overview of major donor fundraising and provide participants with the tools to start a major donor programme in their heritage organisation.”

The course is only £20 and full details are available here.  We have not checked with them about eligibility, but because it is part of the Giving to Heritage  programme and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund under the Catalyst initiative, all not-for-profit heritage organisations should be eligible.  Please do check with them if you are unsure, and let us know how it goes.