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Liverpool, March 16th 2015: The First WH:UK networking meeting

March 21, 2015 Published by Beth Thomas


The first WH:UK Network meeting took place in the fabulous  surroundings of Liverpool City Library  on March 16th 2015. Please do feel free to comment on the event or post any photos at the bottom of the page.

Liverpool library roof Liverpool library

The meeting agenda can be downloaded here: WHUK Networking meeting Liverpool 160315 Programme

Presentations from the day

Sam Rose, Shadow Chair, WH:UK.  Welcome and an introduction to World Heritage UK
World Heritage UK Liverpool Sam Rose pdf

Rob Burns, Urban Design and Heritage Conservation Manager for Liverpool. Liverpool mercantile maritime city, value added?
World Heritage UK Liverpool Rob Burns pdf

Helen Maclagen, Culture Director, the UK National Commission for UNESCO. Wider Value of UNESCO
World Heritage UK Liverpool Helen Maclagen pdf

Deborah Boden, WHS Coordinator, Cornish Mining Landscape WHS. Cornwall and West Devon Mining Landscape WHS UNESCO reactive monitoring Missions 2013 and 2015
World Heritage UK Liverpool Deborah Boden pdf


At each networking meeting we will record the key points from the day for peoples continuing professional development.  The notes from this event are: World Heritage UK Liverpool March 2015 Notes


We have had 14 responses to date from the Survey Monkey questionnaire.  For those still to respond, the link is here.   The summary of responses so far can be accessed here:WHUK Liverpool 2015 Evaluation preliminary results  Sorry that some of the results are a bit confusing – we will get better at it!


Our thanks to English Heritage (as was) for support for the day, and for the Liverpool Library Staff.


A full list of attendees will be published in the notes, but you might recognise a few from here

WH:UK meeting Liverpool March 2015