ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage leadership course

January 10, 2023 Published by Alex McCoskrie

The ICCROMIUCN World Heritage Leadership just launched a new call for applications for the international capacity building course on “Managing World Heritage: People Nature Culture” (PNC23) that will be held from 13 to 23 February 2023.

The course is dedicated to site coordinators, members of management teams and institutions, and heritage practitioners working with World Heritage properties and other heritage places around the world. It promotes a ‘heritage place approach’ to heritage management focused on understanding how to conserve and enhance the multiple heritage values of heritage places in their wider social, environmental, and economic contexts. This includes applying place-based and people-centred approaches to working with diverse communities.  

The course provides participants with the knowledge, skills and awareness for managing heritage places, including World Heritage properties. It also promotes long-term networks for life-long peer learning and enhanced capacity building in the heritage sector. 

The call for application is available at https://www.iccrom.org/courses/world-heritage-management-people-nature-culture-pnc23-online, and the deadline to apply for the course is 27 January 2023.  

The course will take place online using an online conferencing platform (Zoom or Microsoft Teams) from 13-23 February (Monday to Thursday) and will be conducted in English. 

The course will be structured around the knowledge framework for managing heritage places that will be published in the upcoming revision of the manual for managing World Heritage. This includes the following overarching themes: 

  • Heritage-place approaches 
  • Boundaries, buffer zones, and wider context of heritage places 
  • People-centred and rights-based approaches to heritage management 
  • Factors affecting heritage places and impact assessments for World Heritage 
  • Management systems 
  • Management planning and implementation 
  • Management effectiveness assessment 
  • Heritage conservation and management results 

The course will have three-hour daily sessions from Monday to Thursday over two weeks (eight sessions in total). During this time, participants will be required to attend online sessions from 15:00 to 18:00 Central European Time.

There is no registration fee for attending this course. However, all other expenses will need to be covered by the participant. For example, access and use of a computer, internet connection, and the time committed to attending the course. 

The application process is as follows: 

For questions or inquiries please do not hesitate to send an email to [email protected].