Europa Nostra’s #Women4Heritage

February 26, 2024 Published by Alex McCoskrie

Friday 8th March 2024 – International Women’s Day

For 2024’s International Women’s Day, Europa Nostra is reconvening their growing and dynamic #Women4Heritage network on Friday 8 March 202411:00-12:30 CET. The 2024 edition of the #Women4Heritage online gathering will emphasise the essential role of women leadership in culture-based climate action, with a particular focus on the Global Call to put Culture at the Heart of Climate Action which was initiated at the COP 28.

Europa Nostra invites women who are heritage leaders, practitioners, innovators, communicators and volunteers of all ages and from all countries to join their #Women4Heritage virtual event. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear firsthand from female leaders who played a decisive role in building momentum through the Global Call to Action for achieving a groundbreaking milestone at COP 28: the launch of the Group of Friends for Culture-based Climate Action.

The programme is:

Moderator: Sneška Quaedvlieg-Mihailovic, Secretary General of Europa Nostra

  • Welcome & introductory remarks
  • Testimonials (30 minutes)
    HRH Princess Dana Firas of Jordan, President of ICOMOS-Jordan and Petra National Trust, and Climate Heritage Network Special Envoy
    Alison Tickell, Founder of Julie’s Bicycle
    Shiva Dustdar, Dean and Director of the European Investment Bank Institute
  • Open discussion (45 minutes)
  • Wrap up & closing remarks

The event is free to attend but you must pre-register. You can do this by clicking here.

For more details, please click here.