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Entrepreneurship in Cultural Heritage – Workshop

December 5, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

Organised by the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham
In association with the West Midlands Museum Development
Location: The Old Ikon Gallery, Fazeley Studios, Birmingham, B5 5SE
February 2nd 2017

Over recent years the heritage sector has been hit by cumulative cut-backs in public sector funding, reductions in visitor spend and increasing competition for visitors. At the same time, a multitude of new opportunities continue to emerge relating to technological innovation, new audiences and communication networks and new management approaches. In the context of this developing landscape for the heritage sector, this workshop explores the increasing need for museums and heritage organisations to become ever more entrepreneurial in their approach in order to increase their resilience to the changing environment and also to identify ways and means to build profile, audiences, income and opportunities to communicate the heritage at their heart.
Through presentations by speakers who, in different ways, are involved with innovative approaches  to the heritage and museums sector and through discussion, this workshop aims to identify some of the more entrepreneurial management practices of the heritage sector and to explore challenges and opportunities for future entrepreneurial actions.
Key Themes:

·        Working towards resilience

·        Partner working outside of the heritage sector

·        The role of the creative industries

·        Going global

·        Building audiences and income

Confirmed speakers include:

*  Dr Chris Ferguson (Auckland Castle)
*  Traci Dix-Williams (Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust)
*  Colin Chester-Head of Buying, The National Gallery
*  Tony Trehy (Director, Bury Art Museum)
*  Harvey Edgington (National Trust)
*  Elliot Goodger- Birmingham Museums Trust Enterprise Committee

Pre-booking is essential.

To book your place:

Early-bird rate of £45 ( by 13 Jan 2017)
Full delegate rate of £55 (by January 27th 2017)

Contact: Jamie Davies, Teaching Fellow in Cultural Heritage
[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
0121 414 5616

Staff and volunteers from Accredited Museums or those officially Working towards Accreditation should reserve their place via the events page of the West Midlands Museum Development website:  or contact [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>