Engaging Young People in the co-creation of future World Heritage

April 19, 2021 Published by Beth Thomas

On behalf of the Saxony State Office for the Conservation of Monuments, World Heritage UK colleagues are cordially invited to join the online conference ‘World Heritage – Shaping the Future!’ on 27 and 28 April 2021, 3:45-5:30 p.m., daily. As future designers, young people play a central role in the protection and preservation of UNESCO World Heritage sites. Join youth researcher Simon Schnetzer and help to develop the active participation and engagement of younger generations in shaping the future of World Heritage sites. The aim of the conference is to engage young people to cocreate the future of World Heritage, to identify central challenges and to develop creative solutions. To achieve this, the active participation of young people – as “heirs of tomorrow” – is called for! Please find the programme HERE.

Registration:   The number of participants is limited. Please register by April 23, 2021 at the following link: for April 27, 2021: https://mitdenken.sachsen.de/1022351for April 28, 2021: https://mitdenken.sachsen.de/1024315

You will receive a Zoom link before the conference. Please note that the conference session and breakout groups will be recorded. The registration form is in German, please press the button “Teilnahme buchen” at the bottom of the page. Please fill in your title, name, surname, e-mail, affiliation, and confirm the terms of condition and the data protection regulations. 
Contact:  Friederike Hansell, World Heritage desk officer, Saxony State Office for the Conservation of Monuments; email: [email protected], tel.: 0351 48 430404

Your contribution is needed! Please complete the survey until 22 April 2021 under the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/N2SKHLJ

The project pitching offers the possibility to introduce an own youth project into the further discussion and impulse with Mr Schnetzer. To participate at the pitching please provide your contact details via question 5 in the survey. During the session, the participants vote the projects that are presented by interviews. The pre-selected projects for the voting will be informed in advance and the three interview questions will be communicated. We are looking forward to your contribution.

The online event is a joint expert conference of the Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development in cooperation with the German Commission for UNESCO, the Saxon State Office for the Conservation of Monuments, the Ministry of Science, Further Education and Culture of Rhineland-Palatinate, ICOMOS Germany, the Association of World Heritage Sites in Germany e.V., the Zweckverband Welterbe Oberes Mittelrheintal and the Welterbe Montanregion Erzgebirge e.V.