photo credit ADTeasdale

Durham conference: ‘Evidence On Trial’

July 4, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

Evidence On Trial: weighing the value of evidence in academic enquiry, policy and everyday life

An international conference hosted by the Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, 12 – 14 July 2016. As well as panel sessions to explore a variety of evidential issues, the conference will host a major debate: Evidence On Trial. This will address the question ‘is there such a thing as reliable evidence?’

Of particular interest to World Heritage UK members will be: ‘Evidence under the Heritage Bridge’, by Dr Andreas Pantazatos (Durham University). This panel will explore how we can best address what kind of evidence is required to inform those who manage World Heritage sites so as to meet our obligations to protect the past for future generations and realise a shared sense of belonging for all relevant stakeholders. The 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage defines these obligations, establishing a mandate to foster global solidarity through wise stewardship of these unique sites.

Booking details can be found at