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Durham Cathedral WHS 30 years Lecture on Ironbridge Gorge

April 29, 2016 Published by Beth Thomas

May lecture poster


Monday 9th May, 6pm

Room PG20, Pemberton Building, Palace Green Library, Durham

Anna Brennand
Chief Executive, Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust

“Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site: the Challenges of the Last 30 Years and the Opportunities for the Future”

Anna will discuss the challenges faced by the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site and explain the opportunities these present for protecting its outstanding universal value, as the Site celebrates its 30 years designation.

 Anna Brennand has been Chief Executive of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust since June 2013. Before taking up this post Anna was the Trust’s Deputy CEO and Director of Finance & Resources having joined the Museum in 2007. During this time Anna led the successful, multi-award winning £12m redevelopment of Blists Hill Victorian Town, the Trust’s largest site. Anna is a Board Member of the Museums Association, a member of the National Museum Directors Council and sits on a variety of regional tourism bodies. She is also a Trustee of a large Further Education college and a Trustee of World Heritage UK. She lectures at the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage on the topics of Managing Multi-site Museums, Fundraising in the Heritage Sector and Income Generation in Heritage Organisations.

 The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception at the World Heritage Site Visitor Centre.

 The lecture is free of charge. However, as places are limited, booking is necessary.

Please reserve your place by writing to the organiser at [email protected].

 Alternatively, you can register your interest by contacting the World Heritage Site Visitor Centre using the contact details below.

If possible please would you let me know if you intend to attend the drinks reception too, for catering purposes.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the lecture.

 Kind regards,

 Raffaella Aliprandi

WHSVC Lecture Series Organiser
Durham World Heritage Site Visitor Centre
7 Owengate

Tel: 0191 334 3805