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Digital and Youth Engagement with World Heritage Sites: Free Digital Workshop and lecture at the Ironbridge Institute, University of Birmingham

May 7, 2015 Published by Beth Thomas

Digital and Youth Engagement with World Heritage Sites: Free Digital Workshop and lecture at the Ironbridge Institute, University of Birmingham

Wednesday 13th May and Thursday 14th May on Digital and Youth Engagement with World Heritage Sites. To reserve a space email Jamie Davies: [email protected]

2015 UK India Exchange on World Heritage:  The project is the result of a collaboration between an Ironbridge researcher and the founder of GoUNESCO and is funded by the University of Birmingham India Travel Fund. This digital workshop is a follow up to an UK India exchange April/May 2015 and aims to provide a springboard for future collaborations and conversations.

Communicating Values and Developing Audiences Digital Workshop – 13th May 13:00-15:00

An Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage (IIICH) and GOUNESCO digital workshop. Through a series of online papers innovative approaches to digital interpretation and youth engagement with World Heritage sites will be discussed from the UK and Indian perspective.

More details here: UK_India_Exchange_on_World_Heritage__Communicating_Values_and_Developing_Audiences_Digital_Workshop

A Lecture by Ajay Reddy, GoUNESCO, as part of the Ironbridge Institute Visiting Lecture Programme – 14th May 17:00-18:00

  • How does one get a person interested in heritage?
  • How can the internet and all pervasive digital media be used to encourage awareness of heritage?
  • How can we make use of technology to build scalable methods of outreach?
  • Ajay Reddy speaks about his experiences with GoUNESCO, an initiative he started in 2012 and which is now supported by UNESCO New Delhi.

The talk will also discuss using lean methodologies and techniques used by startups to amplify reach and improve effectiveness of campaigns. He will also discuss the differences between online and offline activations, their effectiveness and relate them to his experience in promoting heritage awareness and advocacy.

More details here: Ajay Reddy_poster