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Culture White Paper – wake the sleeping giants of world Heritage

November 2, 2015 Published by Beth Thomas

As you may already know, the Government is preparing to launch a Culture White paper sometime in the coming months. They have said that they want to hear from the people, so bearing in mind what was said at the recent conference, this is a very opportune time to raise the voice of World Heritage.

They have identified four broad themes…

“The first of these is the role that culture plays in creating places that people want to live, work and visit. How can our culture and heritage contribute to vibrant, healthy communities across the country, and how can we in Government support them to do that.

The second theme will focus on building financial resilience in cultural organisations and institutions through new funding models, to enable them to survive and prosper in a tough economic and financial climate.

Our third theme is about people and how they engage with culture. How do we ensure that everyone can learn about and through culture, and get the right encouragement and opportunities to experience and participate in cultural activities throughout their lives.

And finally, theme four explores working with our cultural institutions to promote Britain abroad, in our relations with other countries and international organisations, and to support trade, exports, inward investment, inbound tourism and presentation of cultural artefacts.”

.. and all of these relate to World Heritage.

The link for this is and particularly, they have an engagement page at

So if you feel passionately about our World Heritage, please do log-on, have a look and have your say. Please feel free to share any comments on twitter with #ourculture and @worldheritageuk or share your comments with us by commenting on this blog entry.