“50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Achievements and Challenges in Europe” – Kraków, Poland
May 17, 2022
Kraków’s International Cultural Centre, ICOMOS Poland and City of Kraków are hosting the international conference “50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. Achievements and Challenges in Europe” 8th to 10th June 2022.

The conference’s theme – Achievements and Challenges in Europe – aims to help give an account of the successes, assess the current state of heritage protection, reflect on forecasts and tasks for the future.
The discussion will be divided into six thematic sessions to address the following issues:
- The achievements and experiences of the World Heritage Convention in Europe
- The experiences and issues/challenges of European cities and villages inscribed on the World Heritage List
- The World Heritage List – trends and obstacles. Changes in the implementation of the Convention
- The potential to apply the experiences gleaned from the World Heritage List system in national heritage protection systems
- The need for modifications to the World Heritage system arising out of European experiences
- Cooperation within the Visegrad Group as an example of regional concern for World Heritage List sites
The conference will be held English, and will be both in person and online, and is free to attend. There is limited availability for in person tickets, which are available on a first come, first served basis.
Click here for the full programme.
Click here to book a place.
Image Unsplash/Gabriella Bortolussi