ICOMOS-UK lecture – Britons Foraging for Food: The return of an ancient tradition

December 21, 2022 Published by Alex McCoskrie

Wednesday 25th January 2023, 6pm – 7.30pm, online

Foraging is an intangible cultural tradition that has been practiced for centuries universally.

Although it is not listed as a Domain in the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Culture (ICH), food culture/cuisine is promoted as an intangible expression and gastronomic heritage elements have been listed on UNESCO’s Representative List by States Parties that have ratified UNESCO’s 2003 Convention. Food stuff, cooking, and eating practices and rituals are associated with socialisation, symbolism, memory and identity. They help us to discover and understand who we are, where we have come and how we connect with our past and the environment and what we would like to pass on to our children.

This ICOMOS-UK evening lecture will aim to provide a definition of foraging, explore the reasons for its revival over the last two decades and the evolution process that this ancient living tradition has undergone in the intervening period.

Speaker – UK’s well-known forager and media personality, Fergus Drennan.

Tickets £2.50 to £7.50, from eventbrite – click here.