Heritage Impact Assessment Webinar # 2

October 18, 2023 Published by Alex McCoskrie

New Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) guidance for UNESCO World Heritage Sites has recently been published.*

ICOMOS-UK and World Heritage UK jointly present a series of webinars that explains the aims, methods and benefits of HIAs for cultural World Heritage Sites.

This webinar series explains methods/processes, obligations, benefits, scales, and timings of HIAs in the context of identifying sustainable options for cultural World Heritage Sites.

Jointly organised by ICOMOS-UK and WHUK, these webinars are suitable for Planning Officers, Consultants, Developers, Architects, Chartered Institutes, Planning Inspectorate, Planning Committee members and others who may benefit from a wider understanding of the new guidance and how it might most beneficially be used.

*Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context, UNESCO, ICOMOS and ICCROM, 2022

The first webinar is Wednesday 15 November, 10am to 11.45am. This webinar will be for consultants, developers, architects and all involved with potential developments in or around World Heritage Sites.

  • 10.00 – Welcome and introduction by WHUK
  • 10.05 – HIAs with Susan Denyer, ICOMOS-UK; Susan will cover: tools available – processes and timeframes; attributes of OUV; UNESCO processes; using tools available – HIAs, EIAs; planning processes; scale and scope of HIAs
  • 10.35 – Andrew Croft, Director, CBA
  • 11.00 – Georgina Hayman, Development Manager, Coastline Housing, Redruth, Cornwall
  • 11.15 – Q&As and discussion session
  • 11.40 – Wrapping up from Susan
  • 11.45 – finish

Tickets are £10 for ICOMOS-UK/WHUK members, or £20 for non members.

Book your ticket here.