Digital Technologies for Visitor Engagement with Cultural Heritage – ICOMOS-UK lecture

November 9, 2022 Published by Alex McCoskrie

Explore best practice, challenges and opportunities of using digital technologies to interpret and present tangible and intangible cultural heritage in the first of a series of workshops run by the ICOMOS-UK Digital Heritage Committee.

Tuesday 29th November 2022 – 18:00-19:30

The rapid development of digital technologies and their implementation in cultural heritage context has raised many arguments regarding the effectiveness of digital technologies in aiding users and visitors’ engagement with heritage values and interpretations. The development of immersive experience, VR, AR, MR, has on the one hand brought to light great opportunities to unveil hidden heritage assets and engage people of different needs with heritage. On the other hand, it has raised key concerns regarding the authentic experience and physical engagement with heritage, in addition to the concern that these new tools could compromise the audience’s appetite to visit and experience historic sites, particularly the younger generation. Therefore, the ICOMOS-UK Digital Technology Committee is inviting you to its 1st round-table discussion with experts and researchers to explore these issues and the wider role of digital technologies for visitor engagement with cultural heritage. The discussion aims to explore opportunities, challenges and ethical concerns linked to these practices.

The discussion panel includes:

  • Dr Alex Hildred, Head of Research and Curator of Ordnance and Human Remains at the Mary Rose Trust
  • Dr Brett Stevens, Principal Lecturer and User Experience Design Researcher at the University of Portsmouth
  • Dr Claire Bailey-Ross, Associate Dean Academic and researcher in Digital Humanities at the University of Portsmouth
  • Dr Sara Perry, Director of Research and Engagement at Museum of London Archaeology MOLA, and expert in running archaeology and community initiatives awards
  • Prof. Stuart Jeffrey, A Professor of Digital Heritage at the School of Simulation and Visualisation, The Glasgow School of Art

Tickets: Donation basis: minimum donation £1
Book: online at