World Heritage & Nature webinars

May 22, 2023 Published by Alex McCoskrie

Number 2 in a series of 3 webinar talks, on World Heritage and Nature – Tuesday 30th May 2023

The Jurassic Coast is a 95-mile long stretch of coastline in southern England, situated within the counties of Dorset and Devon. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site recognised for its outstanding rocks, fossils and landforms. The Jurassic Coast is one of the most popular destinations in Britain, drawing millions of visitors from all over the world each year. On the Jurassic Coast, geology takes centre stage. It is the only place on Earth where rocks from the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods can be seen in one place, representing 185 million years of Earth’s history.

Sam Scriven – Head of Heritage & Conservation, Jurassic Coast Trust

Sam’s role is to provide strategic leadership, expertise and content creation relating to the management of the World Heritage Site. Working with stakeholders, partners and Trustees, Sam deputises for the CEO and is a member of the Leadership Team.

Since joining the Jurassic Coast Team in 2009 as Earth Science Adviser, Sam has had input into a great many aspects of the team’s work with a focus on the conservation of the World Heritage Site, developing interpretation and co-ordinating involvement with events.

Sam grew up only a few miles away from the Jurassic Coast and it is where he developed his interest in geology and fossils. After gaining a Masters in Geology from the University of Plymouth, he worked as assistant warden and geologist at the Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre for four years.

The experience he gained there in geological interpretation led him on to the position of Earth Science Adviser for the Jurassic Coast. He has always been determined to work in geological conservation and interpretation and feels privileged to be able to work along the coastline that he loves and that inspired him to study geology in the first place.

To book your ticket, please click here.